Air pollution is one of the major problems that most of the countries in the world are facing. The pollution ranking by country is just to signify which of the countries are raising high than the others in term of pollution level.
Top 10 Most Polluted Countries in the World 2020
Here is the list of some of most polluted country in the world 2020 listed by the air pollution index by country:

This country is known for its cold weather and therefore often burns the coal to overcome the coldness. This indeed has made Mongolia the most polluted country in the world 2020. The country has reached to the air pollution to 279 ug/m3. As a result of this, many residents of this country often suffer from extreme health issues.

Despite being the largest growing economy in the world, the country is high in pollution levels. Due to the presence of many mineral industries affecting the quality of air, the pollution level has reached 216 ug/m3.

With a pollution level reaching to 198 ug/m3, Pakistan is the third country in the list. Most of the pollution is due to the vehicle’s emission and is majorly in cities like Peshawar, Karachi, Lahore, etc. Due to this many people are admitted to the hospital every year.

The main reason that Senegal is on the list is that of the presence of mineral industries and the high use of vehicles emitting pollution. The pollution level of Senegal is increasing every single day and at present, it is 145 ug/m3.
Saudi Arabia

The economy of the country has increased with the large production of petroleum but this has also caused an increase in the pollution level. The country at present has a pollution level of 143 ug/m3. The emission from the vehicles is further adding to the pollution level in the country.
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Burning wood and cola, vehicle emissions, etc. has led to make Egypt a part of the list of most air-polluted countries in the world. With a pollution level of 138 ug/m3, Egypt is rising high in the pollution levels. The country is also known to face the major problem of ‘black cloud’ after the harvesting of rice.
United Arab Emirates

The pollution level of 132 ug/m3 has made the country to be listed in the most polluted countries. Although, the government is taking many measures to solve the problem and is hoping to reduce the pollution levels soon.

Iran has a pollution level of 124 ug/m3 and therefore has seen degradation in the life expectancy. The people of Iran are hospitalized majorly due to the same reason.

Due to the excessive waste and disorganized management, the pollution level in the air of Nigeria is increasing continuously and has reached the level of 124 ug/m3.

The industrial plants and oil refineries have made Kuwait reach to the 10th position in the list of most polluted countries. Although, after the closing of some of its industries, the polluted air is at 123 ug/m3.
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