Do you agree with the statement? Let’s have a detailed look at the same. We will start with some Human Life Fundamentals. We have emotions, but how do we get emotional is something important. When someone Acts, Share & React. There can be thousands of scenarios or cases. When we feel emotional we react immediately or thereafter some time. Emotions are one of the feelings we have. The second very important topic we will talk about is behaviour of people around you. These two things will help us to simplify the given statement.
We usually say that a person who has followers is a Leader, is not the reality. If so, then how can we identify a Great Leader among these millions on the planet. The Leadership is to have certain skill-set to drive people in the team.
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
A good leader never wants to get followers by force, he would be more than happy if people raise hands to follow him/her. As they are dealing with the Human beings & they have emotions-they have to create a sense of Status/Pride/Joy/Trust/Love etc. to connect with the people.
A person joining an organization will see the Values they carry. Just to understand- Anywhere in the world if we want to gather people & wants to drive them for a common purpose, the Common Set of Values & Believes is the only tool to apply. They will connect better in this case. They never only join the organization for the sake of money. There are different reasons to join any company.
People can only see the things, we have the words for. Martin Luther King said to his team, “I have a dream”. We listen these words, which goes to certain part of the brain that creates emotional connect. That time the person start thinking & he/she starts working for the common purpose. The employees connect their own dream with the company’s goal & they contribute the lot.
We or Companies hire people & make them accountable for the targets that is why personal connect of the Leader lacks in such cases. Your Team members like a normal human being only want the sense of Protection/Safety/Comfort. If you fail to provide any one of them, they feel unsecured. Gradually they feel that the company does not need them more. It’s all about the Relationship bonding of the Leader with his team, which will lead to the productivity of the team.
Like we don’t have an option in case of Our Children, though they are naughty, we should treat our employees in such a manner. They might do some mistakes at the early stage, but with the passage of time, they will give you the best output. It’s your responsibility to train them & to develop them to achieve the common goal.
Leaders are Born with certain skill set but It can be made with learning those skills from other experts & their experience in life.
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